• Complicated things can be made simple.

  • Safety, environmental responsibility, and profits can and should all grow together.

  • Everyone is unique, and their jobs are of equal importance to the team, regardless of what that job is.

  • Together we are greater than the sums of our parts.

  • Being better today than we were yesterday.

We Believe

A plant’s culture is simply a function of its people’s habits.

People’s habits are simply what they do every day.

That’s why our mantra is: Process, Habits, Culture.

Mind the process, and the people will take care of the rest.

Our Process


TheExperts™ is a strategic alliance of over 30 companies that operate and maintain MicroGrids, Power Plants, and Central Plants.

Our Habits

  • Power Plant Excellence is 21 processes that when applied to a plant increase performance. This will increase EBITA by 15% over three years in a power plant or decrease OpX by 15% over 3 years in a central plant.

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  • CBF Methodology ensures the lowest capital cost, fastest construction schedule, and the highest reduction on investment for energy infrastructure projects.

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  • Excellent plant operations requires the team to constantly communicate, outages are different. A successful outage, like a Ferrari pitstop, has little to no talking.

  • The Magic Finger enforces the habits of tangibility and succinct communication. This is essential for a well-run plant.

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  • The Art of War breaks down simply to define where you are, define where you want to be, take action, and monitor the action.

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  • In order for a Plant to be successful it is necessary to know and understand the money components.

    Profits = Revenues - Cost

  • Excellence is in every plant. It is management’s job to remove what is not excellent.

  • Iterate through prototypes from ideas to solve pain points.

  • People don’t like change. Engineers are trained not to change. A mistake in a plant could kill you. Thus, change is the only constant.

Meet the Chairman

Jay Sikora


NY Maritime Alumni
BE of Marine Engineering with a Nuclear Power Concentration


  • United States Coast Guard Third Assistant Engineer of Steam and Motor unlimited Horsepower

  • Lieutenant in the US Naval Reserve

  • NJ Stationary Engineer

  • NYC Stationary Engineer

  • COO of a Public Company

  • CEO of a Public Company

  • President and Vice President of many companies

  • Plant Manager

  • Operations Manager

  • Maintenance Manager

  • Engineering Manager

  • Project Manager

  • Operations Supervisor

  • Outage Planner

  • Construction Supervisor